MOS Connection ****A MOS protocol library for acting as a MOS device and connecting to an newsroom control system.HyperDeck Connection Library for connecting to Blackmagic Design Hyperdeck recorders.Ember+ Connection ****Library to communicate with Ember+ control protocol.CasparCG State * *developed by ** ****Used in TSR to tracks the state of CasparCG Servers and generate commands to control them.CasparCG Connection * *developed by ** ****Library to connect and interact with CasparCG Servers.ATEM State Used in TSR to tracks the state of ATEM:s and generate commands to control them.ATEM Connection ****Library for communicating with Blackmagic Design ATEM mixers.There are a number of libraries used in the Sofie ecosystem: **** Quantel Gateway ****CORBA to REST gateway for Quantel/ISA playback.

Connects to and controls a multitude of devices, such as vision mixers, graphics, light controllers, audio mixers etc. Playout Gateway ****Handles the playout from Sofie.